The schools must publish an Annual Admission Notice each year prior to taking applications. We will commence accepting applications for admission on 08/01/2025 and will cease accepting applications on 28/02/2025. Applicants will be notified of the decision on their application by 07/03/2025. Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer no later than 28/03/2025.
If you have already expressed an interest to enroll your child via the Enrolment survey for 2025, you will still need to go through this procedure in January. Admission Policy and Application Form for Admission to Junior Infants will be available to view or download at or by emailing the school on or writing to Raheen N.S., Raheen, Clonroche, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Y21 E129, you can also phone the school on 051-428258 and we will be happy to post the forms out to you.
If you know of any neighbours who have children that may be eligible to start next year you might inform them of our enrolment procedure.
© Developed by James Pierce. Design by TEMPLATED.
Raheen. Clonroche, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Tel: 051-428258